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Section: New Results

Compiler, vectorization, interpretation

Participants : Erven Rohou, Emmanuel Riou, Arjun Suresh, André Seznec, Nabil Hallou, Sylvain Collange, Rabab Bouziane, Arif Ali Ana-Pparakkal, Stefano Cherubin.

Improving sequential performance through memoization

Participants : Erven Rohou, Emmanuel Riou, André Seznec, Arjun Suresh.

Many applications perform repetitive computations, even when properly programmed and optimized. Performance can be improved by caching results of pure functions, and retrieving them instead of recomputing a result (a technique called memoization).

We propose [20] a simple technique for enabling software memoization of any dynamically linked pure function and we illustrate our framework using a set of computationally expensive pure functions – the transcendental functions.

Our technique does not need the availability of source code and thus can be applied even to commercial applications as well as applications with legacy codes. As far as users are concerned, enabling memoization is as simple as setting an environment variable.

Our framework does not make any specific assumptions about the underlying architecture or compiler tool-chains, and can work with a variety of current architectures.

We present experimental results for x86-64 platform using both gcc and icc compiler tool-chains, and for ARM cortex-A9 platform using gcc. Our experiments include a mix of real world programs and standard benchmark suites: SPEC and Splash2x. On standard benchmark applications that extensively call the transcendental functions we report memoization benefits of upto 16 %, while much higher gains were realized for programs that call the expensive Bessel functions. Memoization was also able to regain a performance loss of 76 % in bwaves due to a known performance bug in the gcc libm implementation of pow function.

Initial work has been published in ACM TACO 2015 [20] and accepted for presentation at the International Conference HiPEAC 2016 in Prague.

Further developments have been accepted for publication at the Compiler Construction Conference 2017 [49].

This research is described in the PhD thesis of Arjun Suresh [24].

Optimization in the Presence of NVRAM

Participants : Erven Rohou, Rabab Bouziane.

Energy-efficiency is one of the most challenging design issues in both embedded and high-performance computing domains. The aim is to reduce as much as possible the energy consumption of considered systems while providing them with the best computing performance. Finding an adequate solution to this problem certainly requires a cross-disciplinary approach capable of addressing the energy/performance trade-off at different system design levels.

We proposed [42] an empirical impact analysis of the integration of Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM) technologies in multicore architectures when applying some existing compiler optimizations. For that purpose, we use three well-established architecture and NVM evaluation tools: NVSim, gem5 and McPAT. Our results show that the integration of STT-MRAM at cache memory levels enables a significant reduction of the energy consumption (up to 24.2 % and 31 % on the considered multicore and monocore platforms respectively) while preserving the performance improvement provided by typical code optimizations. We also identified how the choice of the clock frequency impacts the relative efficiency of the considered memory technologies.

This research is done in collaboration with Abdoulaye Gamatié at LIRMM (Montpellier) within the context the the ANR project CONTINUUM.

Hardware/Software JIT Compiler

Participant : Erven Rohou.

Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) is often used in hardware/software co-design to take advantage of an architecture model while using binaries from another one. The co-development of the DBT engine and of the execution architecture leads to architecture with special support to these mechanisms. We proposed a hardware accelerated dynamic binary translation where the first steps of the DBT process are fully accelerated in hardware. Results shows that using our hardware accelerators leads to a speed-up of 8× and a cost in energy 18× lower, compared with an equivalent software approach.

An initial version of this work has been presented at Compas'16 [51]. The latest results have been accepted for publication at DATE 2017 [44].

This research is done in collaboration with Steven Derrien and Simon Rokicki from the CAIRN team.

Dynamic Parallelization of Binary Programs

Participants : Erven Rohou, Emmanuel Riou, Nabil Hallou.

We address runtime automatic parallelization of binary executables, assuming no previous knowledge on the executable code. The Padrone platform is used to identify candidate functions and loops. Then we disassemble the loops and convert them to the intermediate representation of the LLVM compiler. This allows us to leverage the power of the polyhedral model for auto-parallelizing loops. Once optimized, new native code is generated just-in-time in the address space of the target process.

Our approach enables user transparent auto-parallelization of legacy and/or commercial applications with auto-parallelization.

This work has been accepted for publication in the Springer journal IJPP: “Runtime Vectorization Transformations of Binary Code”.

This work is done in collaboration with Philippe Clauss (Inria CAMUS).

Dynamic Function Specialization

Participants : Erven Rohou, Arif Ali Ana-Pparakkal.

Compilers can do better optimization with the knowledge of run-time behaviour of the program. Function Specialization is an optimization technique in which different versions of a function are created according to the value of its arguments. It can be difficult to predict the exact value/behaviour of arguments during static compilation and so it is difficult for a static compiler to do efficient function specialization. In our dynamic function specialization technique, we capture the actual value of arguments during execution of the program and, when profitable, create specialized versions and include them at runtime.

This research is done within the context of the Nano 2017 PSAIC collaborative project.

Application Autotuning for Performance and Energy

Participants : Erven Rohou, Stefano Cherubin, Imane Lasri.

Due to the increasing complexity of both applications behaviors and underlying hardware, achieving reasonable (not to mention best) performance can hardly be done at compile time. Autotuning is an approach where a runtime manager is able to adapt the software to the runtime conditions. We have developed a framework and shown through a domain specific application initial exploration scenarios [32], [47].

We started characterizing applications – in particular the Parasuite benchmarks – and we will rely on split-compilation [2] embed hints and heuristics inside a binary program for dynamic adaptation and optimization.

This research is done within the context of the H2020 FET HPC collaborative project ANTAREX.

Customized Precision Computing

Participants : Erven Rohou, Stefano Cherubin, Imane Lasri.

Customized precision originates from the fact that many applications can tolerate some loss of quality during computation, as in the case of media processing (audio, video and image), data mining, machine learning, etc. Error-tolerating applications are increasingly common in the emerging field of real-time HPC. Thus, recent works have investigated this line of research in the HPC domain as a way to provide a breakthrough in power and performance for the Exascale era.

We aim at leveraging existing, HPC-oriented hardware architectures, while including in the precision tuning an adaptive selection of floating and fixed-point arithmetic. It is part of a wider effort to provide the programmers with an easy way to manage extra-functional properties of programs, including precision, power, and performance.

We explore tradeoffs between precision and time-to-solution, as well as precision and energy-to-solution.

This is done within the context of the ANTAREX project in collaboration with Stefano Cherubin, Cristina Silvano and Giovanni Agosta from Politecnico di Milano, and Olivier Sentieys from the CAIRN team.

SPMD Function Call Re-Vectorization

Participant : Sylvain Collange.

SPMD programming languages for SIMD hardware such as C for CUDA, OpenCL or ISPC have contributed to increase the programmability of SIMD accelerators and graphics processing units. However, SPMD languages still lack the flexibility offered by low-level SIMD programming on explicit vectors. To close this expressiveness gap while preserving the SPMD abstraction, we introduce the notion of Function Call Re-Vectorization (CREV) [38]. CREV allows changing the dimension of vectorization during the execution of an SPMD kernel, and exposes it as a nested parallel kernel call. CREV affords a programmability close to dynamic parallelism, a feature that allows the invocation of kernels from inside kernels, but at much lower cost. In this paper, we present a formal semantics of CREV, and an implementation of it on the ISPC compiler. To validate our idea, we have used CREV to implement some classic algorithms, including string matching, depth first search and Bellman-Ford, with minimum effort. These algorithms, once compiled by ISPC to Intel-based vector instructions, are as fast as state-of-the-art implementations, yet much simpler. As an example, our straightforward implementation of string matching beats the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm by 12 %.

This work was done during the internship of Rubens Emilio in Rennes in collaboration with Sylvain Collange and Fernando Pereira (UFMG) as part of the Inria PROSPIEL Associate Team.

SPMD Function Call Fusion

Participant : Sylvain Collange.

The increasing popularity of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) has brought renewed attention to old problems related to the Single Instruction, Multiple Data execution model. One of these problems is the reconvergence of divergent threads. A divergence happens at a conditional branch when different threads disagree on the path to follow upon reaching this split point. Divergences may impose a heavy burden on the performance of parallel programs.

We have proposed a compiler-level optimization to mitigate the performance loss due to branch divergence on GPUs [21]. This optimization consists in merging function call sites located at different paths that sprout from the same branch. We show that our optimization adds negligible overhead on the compiler. When not applicable, it does not slow down programs and it accelerates substantially those in which it is applicable. As an example, we have been able to speed up the well known SPLASH Fast Fourier Transform benchmark by 11 %.

This work is done in collaboration with Douglas do Couto Teixeira and Fernando Pereira from UFMG as part of the Inria PROSPIEL Associate Team.

SIMD programming in SPMD: application to multi-precision computations

Participant : Sylvain Collange.

GPUs are an important hardware development platform for problems where massive parallel computations are needed. Many of these problems require a higher precision than the standard double floating-point (FP) available. One common way of extending the precision is the multiple-component approach, in which real numbers are represented as the unevaluated sum of several standard machine precision FP numbers. This representation is called a FP expansion and it offers the simplicity of using directly available and highly optimized FP operations. We propose new data-parallel algorithms for adding and multiplying FP expansions specially designed for extended precision computations on GPUs [34]. These are generalized algorithms that can manipulate FP expansions of different sizes (from double-double up to a few tens of doubles) and ensure a certain worst case error bound on the results.

This work is done in collaboration with Mioara Joldes (CNRS/LAAS), Jean-Michel Muller (CNRS/LIP) and Valentina Popescu (ENS Lyon/LIP).